What is the construction of the attic

The attic construction allows you to gain additional living space. The area of ​​the roof or dormer windows should be at least 1/3 of the floor plan. Attic construction involves thorough examination of whether the space is suitable for housing, it is also necessary to check roof trusses. It is best to build an attic for the construction of an attic where the designer does not hinder any columns and is allowed to use open space under the roof. The attic construction can be realized on roofs with a slope of 35-55 degrees. The higher the slope of the roof, the better the attic space can be. Ideal is a saddle or mansard roof that has plenty of space with a walking height, straight gable walls that will make a good feel when living. The construction of the attic can not be dispensed with without a house control by a static who will assess and calculate whether the walls and ceilings in the lower floors are abducted by a new floor apartment.